This is Your Invitation to Begin Your CYC Journey Now.
CYC offers a variety of resources and tools for you, as well as, high schools, colleges, universities, associations and various community workforce programs.
CYC Book
The book, Chart Your Course, An Uncommon Approach to Career Building, is the all-inclusive A to Z roadmap to guide you on your career building and job searching journey. It presents a building block approach. You start at the beginning, master something and you build toward your next step. Each chapter builds on the chapter before. The final building block to embrace and keep your fire burning bright is re-evaluation. Revisiting the chapters and exercises in the book every 6 months or at minimum every year will keep you clear and focused on your passion and encourages you to make any necessary tweaks.
CYC Website
The website provides guidance, testimonials and opportunities to experiment and continue to ignite your passion. You are always changing, growing, experimenting, learning, questioning, and being exposed to new experiences and people. Visit the CYC website often for the most recent career building and job searching tools.
CYC Free Downloads
Download from the website free CYC Guides and other professional development tools beginning with the CYC Mentorship Guide.
CYC Career Coaching

Groups - Small groups of 4 to 6 career builders in a virtual class setting learn how to deepen their interviewing, networking and career building strategies and skills. Join the on-going groups for 3 to 6 months or opt for an annual membership.
Individuals - Career Building, Job Searching or Life Coaching available in a variety of packages.
CYC Classes
Traditional Classroom Setting and Online Courses - Check your local colleges, universities and continuing studies for course offerings.
You can watch the video introduction and listen to the 8 five-minute audio modules.
Watch the Video Intro Here- Module One: The A-Z of Career Building & Job Searching
- Module Two: Stand Tall
- Module Three: Grab Your Keys!
- Module Four: Tell Me Your History
- Module Five: Lights, Camera, Action
- Module Six: Mining for Gold
- Module Seven: You Can Move Mountains
- Module Eight: Ignite Your Passion!
CYC Workshops
Traditional and Virtual.
Traditional workshops range from small groups to auditorium settings.
Virtual workshops maximum is 12 participants each.
Responding to your many requests, Coaching and Workshop fees can now be paid through PayPal.
Career Building Workshops.
Student Workshops.
Early Careerist Workshops.
Lane Changer Workshops.
Job Seekers Workshops
Job Seekers searching for their first job.
Early and Seasoned Careerists.
CYC Retreats
Tailored to meet professional associations, alliances and program preferences.
CYC University Partnerships
CYC traditional classroom and online classes, webinars, presentations, and workshops are taught on campus to students and alumni. Collaboration with University Career Centers and Alumni Programs also include “Train-the-Trainer” sessions. Follow-up individual and group student coaching and mentoring calls are offered.
What if you never had to search for a job again?
Chart Your Course, simply stated, is a life-long career resource like nothing you've ever seen before. It is a practical guide to creating and enhancing the career-building and job search process... Read More